Wir verbinden Menschen auf der ganzen Welt
zu gemeinsamem Handeln für Klimaschutz
Sei ein Pionier!
Starte mit uns einen neuen Weg zur Klimagerechtigkeit und mache mit!
Wir vereinen Menschen weltweit im Einsatz für Klimagerechtigkeit.
Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es, Klimaneutralität und den Zugang zu sauberer Energie zu fördern. Deshalb rufen wir die Menschen auf, 1% ihres Einkommens zu investieren. Die gemeinsame Summe wird gerecht zwischen dem Globalen Norden und dem Globalen Süden in erneuerbare Energien verteilt, um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken und den Planeten für zukünftige Generationen zu bewahren.
Unsere Projekte schaffen Arbeitsplätze und befreien die Menschen aus der Energiearmut in den vom Klimawandel am stärksten betroffenen Gebieten. Die teilnehmenden Bürger erhalten eine Dividende auf ihre Investitionen. Unsere Projekte sind der Beweis dafür, dass der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel für jeden möglich ist. Unabhängig von der Höhe ihres Einkommens.
Wo die Politik nicht schnell genug handelt, wollen wir neue Wege beschreiten – bisher in den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Ruanda und Südafrika.
Möchten Sie mitmachen?
Möchten Sie über aktuelle Projekte informiert werden?
Wir halten Sie gerne auf dem Laufenden.“
Das Team: Wir bringen breite und langjährige Erfahrung zusammen
Dr. Pascal Bataringaya - Rwanda
Supervisory Board.
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Dr. Pascal Bataringaya is one of the leading theologians of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda, which strives for reconciliation between the ethnic groups after the genocide of 1994. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya studied theology – including as a fellow of the United Evangelical Mission (VEM) at the University of Bochum. He wrote his doctoral thesis on „Paths to Reconciliation. The Rwandan churches and the work of reconciliation after the genocide – impulses of peace ethics Dietrich Bonhoeffer „.
As of 2015 he has been President of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR).
Dr. Abednego Keshomshahara - Tanzania
Supervisory Board.
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Anna Tenga Mzinga - Tanzania
Supervisory Board.
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Anna Tenga Mzinga does possess additional training and expertise and vast experience in Health Systems Strengthening projects where she led a team focusing on improving Delivery of Quality Health Care at the point of delivery in Tanzania with main focus on Human Resources for Health.
She has worked as Director of Finance in various organization, lead grants managements departments, Administration, IT etc and moved on to becoming the Country Director for WaterAid Tanzania.
She is currently serving as member of various Boards for local and international NGOs, Banks and is a volunteer in various social networks particularly in availing financial advice to women and underprivileged communities.
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Dr. Pascal Bataringaya is one of the leading theologians of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda, which strives for reconciliation between the ethnic groups after the genocide of 1994. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya studied theology – including as a fellow of the United Evangelical Mission (VEM) at the University of Bochum. He wrote his doctoral thesis on „Paths to Reconciliation. The Rwandan churches and the work of reconciliation after the genocide – impulses of peace ethics Dietrich Bonhoeffer „.
As of 2015 he has been President of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR).
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Anna Tenga Mzinga does possess additional training and expertise and vast experience in Health Systems Strengthening projects where she led a team focusing on improving Delivery of Quality Health Care at the point of delivery in Tanzania with main focus on Human Resources for Health.
She has worked as Director of Finance in various organization, lead grants managements departments, Administration, IT etc and moved on to becoming the Country Director for WaterAid Tanzania.
She is currently serving as member of various Boards for local and international NGOs, Banks and is a volunteer in various social networks particularly in availing financial advice to women and underprivileged communities.
Dr. Ulrich Möller - Germany
Chair of the Supervisory Board.
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2000 – 2021
Leadership experiences as Oberkirchenrat /Senior Church Councilor, Member of Governing Church Board of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia (EKvW) – 2 million members – and Head of Department for Ecumenism, Mission and Global Responsibility. Global experiences as Head of Department for cooperation with global partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America, USA, Europe, and with German and International Associations e.g. Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), Bread for the World, United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Conference of European Churches (CEC), World Council of Churches (WCC), World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) etc. in the fields of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, with focus on Sustainable Development Goals, Ethical & Sustainable Banking and Micro-Finances, Social and Environmental Impact Investing, transformations for just, participatory and sustainable economies in the service of life. www.ekvw.de
Since 2016
Dr Moeller serves at international leadership level with United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Communion of 39 members – Churches in Africa, Asia and Europe, as Vice-Moderator, Vice-Chairperson of International Supervisory Board and Chairperson of its Finance Committee. www.vemission.org
Since 2018
Co-Founder Dr Moeller serves as Chairperson of Board of Directors at One Climate Fund Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd. Purpose of Company: facilitate economic development and employment creation, address energy poverty, transform the energy sector from fossils to sustainable sources; reduce emissions in line with COP21 Paris Agreement. www.oneclimatefund.co.za
Since 2009
Co-Founder Dr Moeller serves as Vice-Chairperson of CHABAHIVA Trust in South Africa. Vision: A strong relationship between businesses and churches in distressed communities. Mission: to be a compassionate and responsible social investor. Through its CHABAHIVA Collaborative Network (CCN) the Trust has a wide and diverse footprint in South Africa with a manifold and widespread impact as Fund Manager as well as project implementer. www.chabahiva.org
Dr. Ibrahim Hafeez Rehman - India
Supervisory Board.
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Dr Ibrahim Hafeezur Rehman, a British Chevening scholar of the 2000 batch, is presently Senior Director (Europe) with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, responsible for enhancing collaboration with VITO as well as with other organizations in Europe.
With a doctorate from University of Utrecht, he has over 26 years of experience in projects and activities related to rural development in general, dissemination of Rural Energy Technologies, Natural Resources Management, and Watershed Development in particular. Dr Rehman has worked with bilateral agencies, corporate set-up and NGOs on issues of poverty alleviation. His key areas of focus include involving and consolidating grassroots institutions, undertaking initiatives pertaining to market development for clean energy technologies in rural areas and implementing replicable models of efficient management of natural resources at the grassroots level.
Dr Rehman has worked in different countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Thailand, Belgium, etc. He is a co-author of three books and has written several papers/articles in reputed journals and magazines.
Dr. Marc Swilling - South Africa
Supervisory Board.
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2000 – 2021
Leadership experiences as Oberkirchenrat /Senior Church Councilor, Member of Governing Church Board of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia (EKvW) – 2 million members – and Head of Department for Ecumenism, Mission and Global Responsibility. Global experiences as Head of Department for cooperation with global partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America, USA, Europe, and with German and International Associations e.g. Protestant Church in Germany (EKD), Bread for the World, United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Conference of European Churches (CEC), World Council of Churches (WCC), World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) etc. in the fields of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, with focus on Sustainable Development Goals, Ethical & Sustainable Banking and Micro-Finances, Social and Environmental Impact Investing, transformations for just, participatory and sustainable economies in the service of life. www.ekvw.de
Since 2016
Dr Moeller serves at international leadership level with United Evangelical Mission (UEM), Communion of 39 members – Churches in Africa, Asia and Europe, as Vice-Moderator, Vice-Chairperson of International Supervisory Board and Chairperson of its Finance Committee. www.vemission.org
Since 2018
Co-Founder Dr Moeller serves as Chairperson of Board of Directors at One Climate Fund Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd. Purpose of Company: facilitate economic development and employment creation, address energy poverty, transform the energy sector from fossils to sustainable sources; reduce emissions in line with COP21 Paris Agreement. www.oneclimatefund.co.za
Since 2009
Co-Founder Dr Moeller serves as Vice-Chairperson of CHABAHIVA Trust in South Africa. Vision: A strong relationship between businesses and churches in distressed communities. Mission: to be a compassionate and responsible social investor. Through its CHABAHIVA Collaborative Network (CCN) the Trust has a wide and diverse footprint in South Africa with a manifold and widespread impact as Fund Manager as well as project implementer. www.chabahiva.org
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Dr Ibrahim Hafeezur Rehman, a British Chevening scholar of the 2000 batch, is presently Senior Director (Europe) with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, responsible for enhancing collaboration with VITO as well as with other organizations in Europe.
With a doctorate from University of Utrecht, he has over 26 years of experience in projects and activities related to rural development in general, dissemination of Rural Energy Technologies, Natural Resources Management, and Watershed Development in particular. Dr Rehman has worked with bilateral agencies, corporate set-up and NGOs on issues of poverty alleviation. His key areas of focus include involving and consolidating grassroots institutions, undertaking initiatives pertaining to market development for clean energy technologies in rural areas and implementing replicable models of efficient management of natural resources at the grassroots level.
Dr Rehman has worked in different countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Thailand, Belgium, etc. He is a co-author of three books and has written several papers/articles in reputed journals and magazines.
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Siward Zomer - The Netherlands
Vice Chair of the Supervisory Board.
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Siward holds a master in social and political theory and American Studies and is experienced in the cooperative renewable energy sector. A professional in public affairs concerning renewable community energy projects and a remarkable projectmanager.
His positions:
cooperative director of Energie Samen, board member of NVDE,
chairman of Windvogel (wind cooperative), secretary of REScoop EU and
director of Ode Decentraal.
Edgar Boes-Wenner - Germany
Management Board.
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Edgar Boes-Wenner has been working on climate change issues since the late 1980s. He is a founding member and honorary board member of the climate protection cooperative fairPla.net e.G. In his capacity he was involved in the organization and execution of several solar and wind power projects, which were financed with citizen participation.
He acted as project manager of the energy project „World Energy School“. For eight years he was a member of the environmental committee of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia.
Sijtze Brandsma - Netherlands
Treasurer of the Management Board.
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Sijtze holds a master in financial law and is an expert in business development and strategy. General manager at EnergieSamen Cooperative (current position) Chairman of the board Energy Dongen Director project management REScoop EU.
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Siward holds a master in social and political theory and American Studies and is experienced in the cooperative renewable energy sector. A professional in public affairs concerning renewable community energy projects and a remarkable projectmanager.
His positions:
cooperative director of Energie Samen, board member of NVDE,
chairman of Windvogel (wind cooperative), secretary of REScoop EU and
director of Ode Decentraal.
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Edgar Boes-Wenner has been working on climate change issues since the late 1980s. He is a founding member and honorary board member of the climate protection cooperative fairPla.net e.G. In his capacity he was involved in the organization and execution of several solar and wind power projects, which were financed with citizen participation.
He acted as project manager of the energy project „World Energy School“. For eight years he was a member of the environmental committee of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia.
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Sijtze holds a master in financial law and is an expert in business development and strategy. General manager at EnergieSamen Cooperative (current position) Chairman of the board Energy Dongen Director project management REScoop EU.
Brenda Harsveld - The Netherlands
Co-Chair of the Management Board.
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Brenda has 30 years of professional experience in social and sustainable development; national and international. She is educated in community development, change management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Affairs. As entrepreneur with a ‚green drive‘ she moves people, organizations, governments and business towards a sustainable & social future. Brenda is initiator and board member for 20 years in non-profit organizations. Brenda is a professional in community energy in the Netherlands:
• Vice-president of Groninger Energie Koepel
• Board-member North Netherlands at Energie Samen
• Representative for cooperatives at Regional Energy Strategy in the region of Groningen
• Guest teacher Energy for Society Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Andreas Neukirch - Germany
Chair of the Management Board.
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Member / Chair of the Supervisory Board Caritas Kreis, regional Care Services about 25 years
Member of Management Board Prokon Renewable Energy Cooperative, 40000 Members, Developing and Runing Windfarms and PVplants in Europe about 4 years
Member of Management Board GLS Bank Cooperative, 130.000 Members, Germans first sustainable Bank established 1974 about 14 years.
Viateur Ntarindwa - Rwanda
Management Board.
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Executive Secretary at RDIS (Rural Development Inter-Diocesan Sercvice); Viateur holds a Master in Diaconic Sciences and Diaconic Management of the University of Wuppertal/ Institute of Diaconic Science and Diaconic Management, Bielefeld / Germany and a bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies of the Institut Catholique de Kabgayi / Rwanda. Viateur has experience in the field of leadership and management within RDIS as Executive Secretary since June 2010 to date, and, skills through work done within the same organization for 12 years as RDIS Field Coordinator in the zone of Shyogwe. He played a significant role in developing management tools for RDIS’ personnel (procedure manuals, statutes, internal regulations, different policies), to meet the standards straight after having registered RDIS by Rwanda Governance Board “N0 13/RGB/NGO/2015. Participated actively in the development of a documentary film `RDIS Project for Supplying Improved Cook Stoves in Rwanda´ This film is helping marketing RDIS organization at a higher extent whereby, investors and partners are currently contacting RDIS for the scale up and also, for the implementation of new projects. From 15th November 2019, Secretary of International Community of Diaconic Management / Africa Region `ICDM Africa´. From 2 November 2018 to date, member of Technical Committee of Standardized Crediting Framework, pilot phase for Rwanda, nomination by the Director General of Rwanda Environmental Management Authority. From April 2016 to 2020, Commissioner of Food Security and Environmental Stewardship Commission Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa – CAPA. Contributed knowledge and skills in the elaborating, implementing and monitoring of the following projects: carbon credits emission reduction, a project for which the first issuance of credits is made; solar home systems, waste management, tree nurseries beds implemented by RDIS. Further contributions to those projects include: convincing partners, overseeing and advising project staff for successful implementation.
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Brenda has 30 years of professional experience in social and sustainable development; national and international. She is educated in community development, change management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Affairs. As entrepreneur with a ‚green drive‘ she moves people, organizations, governments and business towards a sustainable & social future. Brenda is initiator and board member for 20 years in non-profit organizations. Brenda is a professional in community energy in the Netherlands:
• Vice-president of Groninger Energie Koepel
• Board-member North Netherlands at Energie Samen
• Representative for cooperatives at Regional Energy Strategy in the region of Groningen
• Guest teacher Energy for Society Hanzehogeschool Groningen
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Member / Chair of the Supervisory Board Caritas Kreis, regional Care Services about 25 years
Member of Management Board Prokon Renewable Energy Cooperative, 40000 Members, Developing and Runing Windfarms and PVplants in Europe about 4 years
Member of Management Board GLS Bank Cooperative, 130.000 Members, Germans first sustainable Bank established 1974 about 14 years.
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Executive Secretary at RDIS (Rural Development Inter-Diocesan Sercvice); Viateur holds a Master in Diaconic Sciences and Diaconic Management of the University of Wuppertal/ Institute of Diaconic Science and Diaconic Management, Bielefeld / Germany and a bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies of the Institut Catholique de Kabgayi / Rwanda. Viateur has experience in the field of leadership and management within RDIS as Executive Secretary since June 2010 to date, and, skills through work done within the same organization for 12 years as RDIS Field Coordinator in the zone of Shyogwe. He played a significant role in developing management tools for RDIS’ personnel (procedure manuals, statutes, internal regulations, different policies), to meet the standards straight after having registered RDIS by Rwanda Governance Board “N0 13/RGB/NGO/2015. Participated actively in the development of a documentary film `RDIS Project for Supplying Improved Cook Stoves in Rwanda´ This film is helping marketing RDIS organization at a higher extent whereby, investors and partners are currently contacting RDIS for the scale up and also, for the implementation of new projects. From 15th November 2019, Secretary of International Community of Diaconic Management / Africa Region `ICDM Africa´. From 2 November 2018 to date, member of Technical Committee of Standardized Crediting Framework, pilot phase for Rwanda, nomination by the Director General of Rwanda Environmental Management Authority. From April 2016 to 2020, Commissioner of Food Security and Environmental Stewardship Commission Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa – CAPA. Contributed knowledge and skills in the elaborating, implementing and monitoring of the following projects: carbon credits emission reduction, a project for which the first issuance of credits is made; solar home systems, waste management, tree nurseries beds implemented by RDIS. Further contributions to those projects include: convincing partners, overseeing and advising project staff for successful implementation.
Dr. Morgan Pillay - South Africa
Management Board.
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Dr. Pillay has extensive experience in structuring funds for investment in a range of socially needed infrastructure assets, financial services, affordable and rental housing including climate finance.
While at the Development Bank of Southern Africa he was responsible for infrastructure investment in South Africa. During an 8 year period many water, sanitation, roads and housing projects were financing under his leadership. He was also involved in the first PPP in South Africa.
At Standard Corporate Merchant Bank (SCBM) he was involved in the financing of both Public Finance and Project Finance transactions in SA and the SADC region. He arranged and structured deals for Water & Sanitation, Communication, Ports, Power Generation, Transport, Prisons, Integrated Housing Projects and Infrastructure. At SCMB he was involved in the South Africa Infrastructure Fund (equity and debt) funding for limited recourse projects in SA.
Dr. Pillay has extensive experience as a wholesale lender to banks and non-banks that financed housing. He established the first Housing Equity Fund in South Africa while at the NHFC. He has studied local and international housing finance systems and helped to draft legislation, structure financial mechanisms and arrange instruments to promote lending to the low- income communities. Dr. Pillay has arranged and structured finance for some of the largest infrastructure projects in Africa.
His executive training in this field includes participation in:
• The Management of Development Programme (DBSA /World Bank).
• The Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Investment Course (Institute of Public Private Partnerships [IP3], in Washington).
• The Housing Finance Programme (Wharton Business School).
• Training of Trainers Program on Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments
Dr. Pillay has been a Director of:
• The Micro-Finance Regulatory Council (Chairperson).
• Office of Disclosure, National Department of Human Settlements (Deputy-Chairperson).
• Cape Town Community Housing Company (Director).
• The National Urban Housing and Reconstruction Agency (Managing Director).
• Ekurhuleni Housing Company (Chief Executive Officer).
• Currently Senior Finance and Infrastructure advisor to GIZ.
Eric Bagenzi - Rwanda
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Eric Bagenzi, Rwanda national, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in the faculty of agricultural engineering and environmental management, department of Irrigation and Drainage in the option of Soil and Water Management from The University of Rwanda.
He has undergone a number of trainings including farming and increasing of agricultural and livestock production, inclusive business approaches in renewable energy, Gender and Environment and Network Climate Action. He has been serving as RDIS field Coordinator in Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts for two years while he has been a Farm manager at the same time.
Sjors Braam - The Netherlands
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Dr. Pillay has extensive experience in structuring funds for investment in a range of socially needed infrastructure assets, financial services, affordable and rental housing including climate finance.
While at the Development Bank of Southern Africa he was responsible for infrastructure investment in South Africa. During an 8 year period many water, sanitation, roads and housing projects were financing under his leadership. He was also involved in the first PPP in South Africa.
At Standard Corporate Merchant Bank (SCBM) he was involved in the financing of both Public Finance and Project Finance transactions in SA and the SADC region. He arranged and structured deals for Water & Sanitation, Communication, Ports, Power Generation, Transport, Prisons, Integrated Housing Projects and Infrastructure. At SCMB he was involved in the South Africa Infrastructure Fund (equity and debt) funding for limited recourse projects in SA.
Dr. Pillay has extensive experience as a wholesale lender to banks and non-banks that financed housing. He established the first Housing Equity Fund in South Africa while at the NHFC. He has studied local and international housing finance systems and helped to draft legislation, structure financial mechanisms and arrange instruments to promote lending to the low- income communities. Dr. Pillay has arranged and structured finance for some of the largest infrastructure projects in Africa.
His executive training in this field includes participation in:
• The Management of Development Programme (DBSA /World Bank).
• The Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Investment Course (Institute of Public Private Partnerships [IP3], in Washington).
• The Housing Finance Programme (Wharton Business School).
• Training of Trainers Program on Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments
Dr. Pillay has been a Director of:
• The Micro-Finance Regulatory Council (Chairperson).
• Office of Disclosure, National Department of Human Settlements (Deputy-Chairperson).
• Cape Town Community Housing Company (Director).
• The National Urban Housing and Reconstruction Agency (Managing Director).
• Ekurhuleni Housing Company (Chief Executive Officer).
• Currently Senior Finance and Infrastructure advisor to GIZ.
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Eric Bagenzi, Rwanda national, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in the faculty of agricultural engineering and environmental management, department of Irrigation and Drainage in the option of Soil and Water Management from The University of Rwanda.
He has undergone a number of trainings including farming and increasing of agricultural and livestock production, inclusive business approaches in renewable energy, Gender and Environment and Network Climate Action. He has been serving as RDIS field Coordinator in Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts for two years while he has been a Farm manager at the same time.
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Fanny Claassen - The Netherlands
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When Fanny was approached to contribute to One Climate World, she didn’t have to think long about it because now, in addition to her daily work for developing renewable energy, she can also work on climate justice, something close to her heart.
Bishop Jered Kalimba - Rwanda
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Bishop Kalimba holds a PhD in Ethics and Theology of the University of Strasbourg. He is a lecturer at the Protestant University of Butare, Board Member of the Protestant Council in Rwanda, Member of UEM Councel, Wuppertal and president of the Rural and Development Interdiocesan Service (RDIS).
Anna Lueschen - Germany
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Anna is a versatile product designer with a solid foundation in the digital product space. With an M.A. in International Relations, she brings a unique perspective to her role and seamlessly integrates design thinking into her problem-solving approach. Anna is working as a product manager as well as in UX and UI design. Outside of her professional life, Anna enjoys ceramics and has a passion for travelling.
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When Fanny was approached to contribute to One Climate World, she didn’t have to think long about it because now, in addition to her daily work for developing renewable energy, she can also work on climate justice, something close to her heart.
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Bishop Kalimba holds a PhD in Ethics and Theology of the University of Strasbourg. He is a lecturer at the Protestant University of Butare, Board Member of the Protestant Council in Rwanda, Member of UEM Councel, Wuppertal and president of the Rural and Development Interdiocesan Service (RDIS).
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Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Vw. Dieter Seifried - Germany
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Dieter Seifried is founder and managing director of Ö-quadrat. From 2011 to 2015, he was a lecturer at the University of Freiburg in the Department of forestry, where he taught energy efficiency and energy policy framework conditions. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of ADEV Windkraft AG as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Business Association 100% Renewable Energy and the Genossenschaft fesa-Energie Geno e.G.
From 1983 to 1999 he was an employee, coordinator and project manager at the Öko-Institut. Climate-friendly concepts for the energy transition, cost efficient planning, contracting and the „green electricity“ were the focus of his work.
Dr. Tobias Temming - Spain
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Tobias Temming holds a PhD in History from the University of Münster. He also studied Political Science and German Literature and Media Science at the Universities of Marburg, Amsterdam and Granada.
Dr. Temming is working since ten years on climate change issues and has been involved in the organization and execution of solar power projects. He acted as project manager for fairPla.net and for One for the Climate and has been involved in the development of the 1Climate International Cooperative since it’s very early stages.
Tobias has worked in different countries such as Germany, Peru, Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain.
Steffen Wedig - Germany
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Dieter Seifried is founder and managing director of Ö-quadrat. From 2011 to 2015, he was a lecturer at the University of Freiburg in the Department of forestry, where he taught energy efficiency and energy policy framework conditions. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of ADEV Windkraft AG as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Business Association 100% Renewable Energy and the Genossenschaft fesa-Energie Geno e.G.
From 1983 to 1999 he was an employee, coordinator and project manager at the Öko-Institut. Climate-friendly concepts for the energy transition, cost efficient planning, contracting and the „green electricity“ were the focus of his work.
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Tobias Temming holds a PhD in History from the University of Münster. He also studied Political Science and German Literature and Media Science at the Universities of Marburg, Amsterdam and Granada.
Dr. Temming is working since ten years on climate change issues and has been involved in the organization and execution of solar power projects. He acted as project manager for fairPla.net and for One for the Climate and has been involved in the development of the 1Climate International Cooperative since it’s very early stages.
Tobias has worked in different countries such as Germany, Peru, Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain.
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One for the Climate e.V.
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„One-for-the-Climate“ wurde 2016 ins Leben gerufen. Der Verein wurde als gemeinnütziger Verein nach deutschem Recht mit Sitz in Münster gegründet. Als Thinktank suchte er nach Möglichkeiten für internationale Klimagerechtigkeit.
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One Climate
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“Überzeugt davon, dass der Klimaschutz internationales Handeln auf der Grundlage von Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit erfordert, hat eine Gruppe von Energie- und Entwicklungsexperten, Kirchenführern und Studenten aus Deutschland, Indien, den Niederlanden, Ruanda, Südafrika und Tansania Diskussionen darüber begonnen, wie internationale Klimaschutzmaßnahmen von Bürgern weltweit im Jahr 2020 umgesetzt werden können.”
Darüber hinaus verfassten wir zwei Machbarkeitsstudien, die unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten der Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien in Ruanda, Tansania und Südafrika untersuchten. Darauf aufbauend gründeten wir den One Climate Fund Southern Africa und die One Climate Solar Homes Rwanda GbR.
Letztere setzte gemeinsam mit der Vereinigten Evangelischen Mission, der Presbyterianischen Kirche von Ruanda, der Anglikanischen Kirche von Ruanda und dem Interdiocesan Service für ländliche Entwicklung ein Pilotprojekt um, das 200 Familien in netzfernen Gebieten in Ruanda mit Solar-Home-Systemen versorgte.
Dies führte zu der Entscheidung, die „1 Climate International Cooperative U.A.“ nach niederländischem Recht zu gründen.
Die Philosophie und das Geschäftskonzept wurden im Wesentlichen aus den Erkenntnissen der Klimawissenschaft und aus den Erfahrungen abgeleitet, die die Gründer in den unten aufgeführten Organisationen gemacht hatten.
– One for the Climate e.V.
– One Climate Fund Southern Africa
– Energie Samen The Netherlands
– Rural Development Interdiocesan Service
– The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda